
The Foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations and qualifying government entities such as schools and libraries that serve communities in the greater Big Sky region.

2024 Spring Grant Cycle

Each year, the Foundation allocates funding through Community Grants to regional nonprofit partners working to address critical needs in 5 Impact Areas. Community Grant funding is used to support programs and services, capital projects and organizational capacity building. Grants are also available through the Foundation's Big Sky Thrift program. To learn more or to apply, please visit the Big Sky Thrift page.
Key Dates:
  • March 27- Grantmaking Overview Webinar – recording linked below
  • April 8- Invitations issued to selected grantee partners
  • April 8- LOI process open online for interested applicants
  • April 26- LOI process closes
  • May 1- Invitations issued to selected LOI applicants
  • May 1- Application portal open for all invited applicants
  • June 1- Application portal closes for all applicants
  • June 30- Award decisions announced
  • July- Award allocations
  • September- Communications about Fall 2024 Grant Cycle
Foundation Impact Areas:
  • Livability- Uplifting individuals and families through partnerships that address affordable housing, childcare, food security and transportation.
  • Health and Wellness- Cultivating a healthy community by ensuring the accessibility of physical and behavioral health services, robust recreational opportunities, and reduced cost barriers to care.
  • Environment – Supporting partners whose work is to protect this wild and wonderful place and its wildlife and natural resources now and for generations to come.
  • Education- Prioritizing safe, accessible, quality, and diverse lifelong learning for all community members, from infancy to adulthood.  
  • Arts & Culture- Investing in programs that promote arts and culture as a means for individuals to create, connect, and cultivate a sense of pride and belonging.

All Yellowstone Club Community Foundation grant opportunities are by invitation. Please see Grant Guidelines and FAQ for information about the invitation process and the open Letter of Interest process that may result in an invitation.

A PDF copy of the grant guidelines can be found here.
2024 Spring Grant Webinar can be found
Grant Process
Letter of Interest Process

Frequently Asked Grant Questions:

About the Yellowstone Club Community Foundation
Funding Priorities
Spring 2024 Application Calendar
Community Grants
Application Process
Letters of Interest
Grant Award Decisions
Will there still be 2 grant cycles annually?
What is considered part of the greater Big Sky region?